
Research in the field of psychology is divided into two main categories. The first category is theoretical fields. This category seeks to obtain knowledge and discover scientific laws. It aims to achieve the first two objectives of psychology, namely description and interpretation. The second category is applied fields. This category is carried out by specialists in applied branches, It seeks to improve human conditions by discovering something that can be put into practice. It aims to achieve the last two goals of psychology, which are prediction and control.

First, the theoretical fields of psychology. One of the fields of theoretical psychology is physiological psychology. Every physiologist. Psychophysiology studies the relationship between the body and behavior, It studies topics related to the functions of members. Especially those functions that affect human behavior. Such as the nervous system, its composition and the functions it performs. It studies the different functions of the endocrine glands and how they affect behavior. For example, it tries to determine how sensation occurs, how the nerve current is transmitted in the nerves, and how the brain controls feeling and behavior, among other things.

Among the specializations of physiological psychology is also the identification of the different centers that make up the brain and the specializations of each center, including auditory and visual perception and areas that control motor activity. And those that are specific to speech, as well as emotions, their stimuli, and their physiological and biological manifestations. Cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology, the study of all mental processes practiced by man. And the study of receiving, processing, encoding, storing and retrieving information. Cognitive psychology studies human memory.

Perception, attention, and other cognitive studies.  Of Personality Psychology. This branch studies theories of personality and studies the differences between. It also studies the emotions and motives behind behavior, perception and learning, and is also concerned with the laws that apply to all mankind. The psychology of growth, development, or upgrading. In psychology, It is concerned with studying the different stages of growth from the beginning of pregnancy, after birth, the period of lactation, weaning, early, middle and late childhood, puberty, adolescence, youth, manhood, old age.

And the characteristics of each age stage and aspects of growth in terms of physical, motor, sensory, mental, psychological, emotional and social aspects, It is also known as the psychology of individual differences. This science aims to study the individual and group differences in human traits and the reasons and aspects of agreement and differences between people in intelligence, character, aptitudes, special talents and more. Stroke psychology. It is the science that studies unusual or abnormal cases, among them are the handicapped, the gifted, the retarded, the visually blind, the deaf and the dumb. Animal psychology: a psychologist interested in studying the general psychological foundations of animal behavior. Psychologists study animal behavior because it is easy to conduct practical experiments on animals, while it is difficult or impossible in some cases to conduct such experiments on humans. It is easy, for example, to remove part of the animal’s brain for identification. To find out the effect on animal behavior. While it is impossible to conduct such an experiment on humans. Social psychology. It is a science that studies the behavior of living organisms.

A social person who lives in a society with his peers, interacts with them, and is affected by them. The behavior of individuals is always affected by the social atmosphere, the social environment that surrounds it. It also studies human leadership behavior and compares it with presidential behavior. It also studies deviations and social diseases. It studies the psychology of the masses, public opinion, publicity and advertising. General Psychology. The field of general psychology serves as the general theoretical background for all branches of psychology. It includes the study of all the basic principles of all fields of psychology, It aims to discover the general laws that govern the behavior of a normal adult. Leaving the aspects of special cases for the rest of the branches. When he studies perception, for example, he does not care about the pathological aspects of it. Because this is the specialty of pathological psychology.

General psychology is the main source from which the specialized fields in the field of psychology branch out. Therefore, every person who wishes to study psychology must. He first begins with the study of general psychology before studying other branches that are considered more advanced and specialized than general psychology.

Secondly, applied fields of psychology: One of the fields of applied psychology is educational psychology.  It is the application of the principles, laws and theories of psychology in the field of education. Therefore, educational psychology is interested in knowing the general characteristics of the different stages of development and benefiting from these characteristics in building curricula that are consistent with the characteristics of these stages, So that each individual is given educational experiences at the time when we make sure that he is sufficiently mature to enable him to understand and assimilate what we want to teach him.

 Clinical psychology: He studies mental illnesses and mental disorders and diagnoses the condition through psychological tests and psychometrics, treatment relies on psychoanalysis and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Therapy sessions and other psychotherapeutic techniques. Industrial Psychology. It aims to raise the level of productivity of the worker or the working group, this is by solving the various problems that cover the fields of industry.

It is concerned with creating a psychological and social climate that guarantees better production in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort. It also works to improve working conditions and occupational choice, It lays the foundations for training workers, reducing work accidents and increasing production.  Sports psychology:  Interested in studying the psychological, social and educational factors affecting sports behavior towards achieving a high level of performance and the best athletic achievement, and in the adaptation of sports psychology in the service of athletes, a new trend has emerged that talks about the importance of proposing psychological patterns or models with the nature of each sport and the personal and individual characteristics of the player. Duties and role within the team.

 Trading Psychology: by studying the purchase motives and needs of consumers and estimating their psychological attitudes towards existing products, this is done by conducting some surveys and tests. It also looks at the psychology of advertising and the design and composition of advertising Its size, subject and methods of understanding between the seller and the buyer. This is in addition to the seller’s activity, optimism and sense of humor.

 Counseling Psychology:  It is a branch of psychology. It relates to the use of psychological principles of mental health. In order to help people solve their problems in a specific field. Be it educational, professional or family, in the end, it must be noted that there are no separating borders between the different fields.

And if there is a tendency among scientists towards micro-specialization in pursuit of specialized study. Also, the nature of the age and the massive knowledge explosion dictate to us every day something new about new disciplines and modern fields. Including the psychology of space and the psychology of communication and other fields imposed by the nature of the times.

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