45 life lessons from a 90 year old

  1. The art of learning . 

– Two do not learn: one who does not ask out of modesty, and one who does not ask out of arrogance

– Every professional was once a beginner.

– Do not compare your beginnings to the harvest of others.

– Your academic degrees may get you a job. But your self-education may give you a fortune.

– Life is a school. Try to learn something new from them every day.

  1. Education and Self-Growth

– Your academic degrees may get you a job. But your self-education may give you a fortune.

– Great things you can’t buy with money in the whole world.

– Money may buy a bed, but you cannot buy a good night’s sleep. You may buy a book, but you will not buy knowledge. You may buy a house, but you will not buy the warmth of a family. You may buy medicine, but you will not buy health. You may buy pleasure, but you will not buy happiness. You may buy followers, but you will not buy sweethearts.

– There is no self-made person. Everyone who succeeded there stood by him.

– You will learn nothing from life if you think you are always right.

– Maintain the validity of your passport.

– You will not be able to read a new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the previous one.

  1. Relationships and Happiness

– Compliment others as much as possible. But think carefully before you criticize anyone.

– Poverty means nothing. If the family loves you, then you have already acquired wealth.

– There is no perfect time to start. Better than now.

Whatever the differences between you and your wife, only sleep near it.

– Be your wife’s closest companion.

– Surprise your loved one with an unexpected gift.

  1. Taking on the Challenges of Life.  

– Solve every problem you encounter as quickly as possible. The delay in solving it makes it more complicated.

– Watch your habits. It will determine who you will be in the future.

– Don’t wait for retirement to live your life.

– Watch your habits. It will determine who you will be in the future.

– Life is unfair, but it’s still good.

-If you get into a fight, be the first to hit, and hit hard.

– Hatred towards others is a waste of a life that is too brief.

– Your pleasure is entirely your responsibility.

  1. Embracing Individuality

– What you will learn from failure, you will not learn from success, always remember that.

– Love is a choice, and you are not obliged to be convinced of it by the one you love.

– Live your life your way, and don’t try to be a copy of someone else. The largest capital that you must preserve and develop.

– What you will learn from failure, you will not learn from success, always remember that.

– Your downfall is not a failure unless you decide to give up.

  1. Relationships and Communication

– Never be a party to a relationship that the other party wants to keep a secret.

– Ask to learn. If you ask, you may seem ignorant for a few minutes. But if you don’t ask, you will remain ignorant for life.

– Do not be harsh on those who betrayed you, and forgive others for their mistakes. But don’t be stupid and trust him again.

– Shake hands firmly.

  1. Life’s Uncertainties

– What you have today, you may lose tomorrow. This is a general rule that has no exceptions.

– Whatever your grade, Stay away from vanity and ego, there is always someone better than you. The best lessons of your life will be learned when you travel.

– Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

  1. Valuing Relationships

– Our lives become easier if we remove negative people from it.

– It is better to spend your time with your children than to spend your money on them.

– within everyone you know. There is someone you don’t know.

– Before you marry one of them, engage her for at least six months.

– Choose your wife carefully. Because it is responsible for ninety percent of your happiness. Or your misery.

  1. Financial Wisdom

– Don’t wait for retirement to live your life.

– Don’t spend money before you get it.

– Life does not stay the same. When in prosperity, enjoy every moment.

– And when the intensity is sure that it will not last, never forget who stood by you in adversity. And don’t forget who also created those ordeals.

– Serving people makes life sweeter. Do not try to please everyone because you may lose yourself.

– Live your life your way, and don’t try to be a copy of someone else. The largest capital that you must preserve and develop.

– Be careful before lending money to your friends. You may lose both.

– Never borrow something more than twice, if you do, buy it.

– Remember that the right price is not what is written on the item; it is whatever fits your budget.

– Don’t pay anyone his wages before his work is done

– Save for retirement, starting with your first salary.

– Spend time with your children. Twice the usual time and give them half the usual money.

– When you want to buy a home, remember three important things. The site.

  1. Health and Well-Being

– Compliment others as much as possible. But think carefully before you criticize anyone.

– Poverty means nothing. If the family loves you, then you have already acquired wealth.

– There is no perfect time to start. Better than now.

– Enjoy your day. Yesterday has passed. And tomorrow may never come.

– Keep your principles. The moment you compromise your principles. You lose yourself.

– I have never regretted a moment when I was silent. But I repeatedly regret the moments when I spoke.

– Everyone deserves a second chance, but don’t give them a third.

– It is rare to meet a person whose mind is as beautiful as his face.

– Don’t base your opinions on how someone looks.

– What is simple does not endure. What lasts long does not come easy.

– Words are like keys, if you choose it correctly, you will be able to open all hearts and close all mouths.

– The hardest road is the one you walk alone. You will become stronger in the same manner.

– Similarities between some people and shoes. Is that if the MOQ , they are not your size.

– Choose your battles, sometimes peace is better than proving to others that you are right.

– Do not blame others for disappointing you. Even did yourself because you expected too much from them.

– A pretty face will age. And a beautiful body will change with the passage of time. But a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul.

– The most valuable gift you can give someone. It is to give him your time and attention.

– Having peace of mind is the greatest treasure there is.

– A solid reputation can take twenty years to establish. It may only take five minutes to destroy it.

  1. Wisdom in Action

– Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

– If your intention is pure, this does not mean that you will escape from people’s bad thoughts.

– Some people will never support you because they fear what you might become if you succeed.

  1. Life’s Reflections

– Whatever happens, make peace with your past so that it does not spoil the present.

– Don’t go to the grocery store when you’re hungry. Because you will buy too much.

– Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

  1. Everyday Advice

. Buy expensive devices sparingly.

– Adjust your watch so that it is five minutes ahead of the actual time.

– Put a frame on all the so-called catastrophes with these words. In five years, does that matter?

– Sharing your grief with someone you trust is more healing than crying alone.

– Praise people in public and admonish them in secret.

– When you enter a room or a meeting, enter as if you own the place.

– Be your wife’s best friend.

– Whether the situation is good or bad, the best will come, so don’t give up.

– I go out every day. Opportunities await everywhere.

– In controversy, you don’t always have to win.

– Sometimes it is better to be silent.

– No matter how you feel. Get up, get dressed, and be present.

– If you don’t ask, you won’t get.

– Loyalty is an expensive commodity, don’t expect it for cheap.

– Don’t sleep before you decide three things you want to do tomorrow.

– Accept a no answer.

  1. Perspective and Resilience

– Put a frame on all the so-called catastrophes with these words. In five years, does that matter?

– Most things get better with time. Allow some time.

– Whether the situation is good or bad, the best will come, so don’t give up.

– When you are ill, your job won’t take care of you. But your pals. Maintain contact.

– Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

– Children only have one childhood. Make it distinct.

– In controversy, you don’t always have to win.

– Sometimes it is better to be silent.

– No matter how you feel. Get up, get dressed, and be present.

– Don’t push anyone into your life.

– If you pretend to be brave while feeling afraid, no one will notice the difference.

– It’s okay to let your kids see you crying.

– Never argue with a cop.

– Beware of bank offers, no matter how tempting they are.

– Don’t let your ears hear any words.

– Take your kids as they are, not the way you would like them to be.

– Leave a pencil and white paper next to your bed. Some golden thoughts will come to your mind at three in the morning.

– Visit a seasoned photographer. And take a picture of you every three years.

– Agree on a sign between you and your wife indicating that you love her, and do it in family meetings without anyone paying attention to you.

– Over-prepared, then swim with the current.

– Do not apologize for your fierce defense of your principles, morals, or the safety of your family.

– Never tell a barber whether you need a haircut.

– Sometimes you have to give more than you have to. In order to later get more than you deserve.

     15. Wisdom and Fortitude

– Don’t allow anyone to belittle you.

– Take a photo of your kids at the start of the academic year.

– When you hear praise from a friend, you know. Tell him.

– Keep telling your wife how stunning she is.

– No matter what, never disparage your wife in front of your kids.

– Marry someone of your socio-economic level. Or who is a little lower than you.

– Never get married to a lady in the hopes that she’ll change.

– Stand when someone older than you enters a room where you are.

– Permanent rest later; you need a little fatigue sooner.

– I walk every day for half an hour.

– Purchase a cheap vehicle instead. But when it comes to a house, it’s the most expensive thing you can buy.

– Don’t make a decision when you’re angry. Or are you happy?

– Do not deprive others of hope, this may be all they have.

– Take good care of your reputation, and the days will prove to you that it is the most precious thing you have.

– Give people more than they expect.

– Don’t take yourself too seriously. Fools do that.

– Write down ten things you want to accomplish, and then put the paper in your wallet.

– Give your clothes that you haven’t worn in three years to the poor. Always do that.

– Do not over salt your food, and reduce your intake of red meat.

– Don’t tell anyone they look tired.

– Don’t expect money to bring you happiness.

– When you are defeated, accept it. And when you win, be proud of it.

– Do not forget that the most important psychological need for all people is their feeling that they are important and that their work receives the appropriate appreciation for it.

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