The rules of proper nutrition-Dr. Joyce Neergaard

The rules of proper nutrition

We will talk about the basic rules of nutrition. So what does this mean? As you know, sometimes the media put a title on a study that was conducted and take that title out of context. And it makes us an exciting title.

But devoid of any facts. So if you know the basic rules, you can distinguish the correct news from the incorrect, for example : It was mentioned in one of the headlines recently that bitter chocolate is good for the liver. One magazine even wrote, “Eat more bitter chocolate, because it’s good for the liver.” I thought to myself, what is behind this story?

I read that study carefully and it became clear to me that there are patients in hospitals due to diseases of the liver. it’s bad luck that they can’t even taste chocolate because of food tubes running from nose to stomach. Thus without the sugar and fat that usually comes with chocolate. Give bitter chocolate to the first group and white chocolate to the second group, and beware it was better.

The group that was given bitter chocolate. Does this mean that bitter chocolate heals the liver? Even the researcher I read what he said when he presented his conclusions to a group of doctors, he looked embarrassed and said: We can find better antioxidants, such as vegetables and fruits. Let’s give it to patients who have liver problems. So the bottom line is what is best for us.

Vegetables and fruits or bitter chocolate? I know bitter chocolate has antioxidants. But think of other, healthier things. This will be our topic today. So the basic nutrition rules in the eight secrets of health. The first secret was simply eat, and this is what will be our topic today for good health we need three essential nutrients.

The first food element: carbohydrates

The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. We need these groups. I will talk about each of them. Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the body and brain. They are mainly sugars and starches found in our food.

simple carbohydrates There are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. The simple ones contain the most sugars, and the complex ones contain the most carbohydrates, starches take longer to break down. When we eat simple sugar, it breaks down into glucose, which is the fuel used by the body and brain. Starches take longer to break down in the digestion process.

This means that it is excreted into the blood at a slower rate. We are not exposed to large fluctuations in sugar. It was going up and down quickly. We feel tired and stressed. So the best carbohydrates are those that we digest more slowly, and they are generally those related to fiber, and we will talk about them shortly, so the best carbs are from whole foods. Whole grains, such as whole wheat, and things made from whole wheat, such as whole wheat bread.

There is also pasta. Whole grain pasta. Brown rice instead of white rice, fruits and vegetables. What I mean when we talk about fruit, I don’t mean juices and the like apples no apple sauce nor apple juice. If the fruit is whole.

And there are starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes carrots also contain a little sugar, and there is also corn. These foods are starchy and take some time to break down since they contain fiber. It does not cause significant fluctuations in blood sugar.

The second nutrient: proteins

This is very important for diabetics because we always feel better when our sugar level is regular. Now then let’s talk about proteins, when we talk about protein, many people think of animal protein because it is available as meat, chicken, fish, and the like. Milk proteins, cheese and eggs.

The only problem is that most of this stuff comes with high levels of saturated fats which are not healthy and we’ll talk about that in a bit and so is cholesterol which is proven to be related to heart disease and atherosclerosis. So we must be careful of cholesterol. Some people are surprised to find out.

Protein is also found in vegetables. Vegetables contain proteins. Yes. A large number of vegetables are good sources of protein. Legumes, for example: They contain a lot of protein. As well as nuts and seeds, they contain a lot of protein, and even green leafy vegetables and other vegetables can contain protein. In an amount sufficient for an adult And of course for the boys. Now let’s talk about fat.

The third nutrient: fat

Some fats are essential to our health. When people talk about a fat-free diet, it’s not healthy. Our brain uses fat. It’s our body’s fuel, but it’s a reserve fuel. Emergency fuel While we use carbohydrates first when we exercise. Carbohydrates are used first. Unfortunately, many people enter their bodies with much more fat than they need This appears when we gain weight, and it also appears in our overall health status.

So what are the best fats? The best fats are again the whole and unrefined ones So what are full fats? Avocado, olives, nuts and seeds. These are complete nutrients, and when we eat them we also eat fiber. And the fibers provide us With complete nutritional supplements. Thus, the fats that we eat when we eat them with fiber makes us feel full quickly. To eat a large amount.

Here I remind you when we eat nuts, a handful is enough for health. It does not provide us with many calories. I know we easily overdo it. But remember, a handful a day is very healthy, and we must include it in our diet, provided that we pay attention to the quantity.

I think we should talk a little bit about calories because that helps. We understand the relationship between the power of carbs, the power of protein, and the power of fat. If we take the calories It is simply a unit of measure for the energy the body uses from food. So let’s take an adult. He probably needs about one thousand five hundred calories a day. to maintain his weight. Of course, if he is more active, he will need more calories to maintain his weight.

So let’s say he wants to know the number of calories. Because he does not want to gain more weight So let’s take carbohydrates. There are four calories in one gram. In other words, every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories Always remember this number, take protein, for example. Again, every gram of protein contains four calories.

But when we look at the fat numbers, it’s interesting Each gram of fat contains nine calories. Have you seen how a small amount of fat in your diet can provide you with a much larger amount of calories, for example in a tablespoon of olive oil? One hundred and twenty-three calories. We can eat an apple, a little apple. Which will make you feel more satisfied? The Apple.

As for a tablespoon of olive oil Thus, you see that if you choose your food wisely, you can feel full and that your stomach is full, but without feeling the desire to eat more. While if you eat a spoonful of oil, I am not sure that it will be delicious, but if you do, it will not satisfy you.

And you will need much more of it to feel full then Say that you want to lose half a kilogram per week. That’s a good goal. Do not lose weight quickly so as not to regain what you lost If you want to lose half a kilogram per week, you will probably have to reduce the calories you eat by five hundred calories. So five hundred calories less per day to lose this weight.

The advantage of trading food as it is grown is that you no longer have to worry about counting calories. I know many women who weigh everything. And they review their books to know the number of calories each quantity. And the matter becomes very complicated even if the extreme hunger in their diet does not prove their resolve.

The intricacies of measuring and weighing everything are calculated and counting calories takes a lot of time, and in the end they raise their hands and give up. You don’t have to do that if you eat food as it’s grown because of the fiber.

Types of fiber in the diet.

So let’s talk about  fiber is only found in cultivated foods. We will not find it in food from an animal source although fiber passes through the intestinal tract and the digestive system, it has many benefits.  the eight secrets of health and we talk more about fiber, why is fiber important? There are two types of fibers. One of them is soluble.

The second is not possible the soluble type can be found in seeds, oats, and fruits. It helps to get rid of excess cholesterol and some fats. through the digestive system. So it is useful. Now insoluble fiber is what I like to call the “little scanner” because it goes into the colon and sweeps out everything that isn’t supposed to be there, and it’s also very important. Because it increases the volume of turds and relieves the problem of secrecy. It helps relieve hemorrhoids and reflux disease. So fiber is very useful in the diet. Also for diabetes.

As I said before because fiber is found with sugars in food, such as fruit. We eat the whole fruit, so we get the sugar and we also get the fiber. It maintains the level of sugar in the blood, so it no longer falls or rises a lot.

Therefore, it is very important for a person with diabetes to eat his sweets in the form of whole fruits, because they protect him from sugar fluctuations. Those who follow an animal diet hardly get enough fiber. Because as I mentioned, animals and animal products do not contain fiber.

Only the kingdom of vegetables, only vegetables and fruits contain fiber. So if you’re on a meat diet, you’re probably getting about ten grams of fiber a day. But advise including between thirty and forty grams a day. Do not start from tomorrow eating thirty to forty grams of fiber. You have to adjust gradually because your gut has to adjust with fiber.

But if you want to increase the fiber and start eating more grains and more vegetables and more fruits. This will not only increase the amount of fiber in the body. It will make you feel better and that’s what we want for you. Now what are we supposed to eat? What are we supposed to eat.

Let’s say you want to eat bread, any kind of bread. Eat whole wheat bread, and the best kind is very thick pita bread. And at the time. Meanwhile, from whole wheat, this is the best type of bread. Then if you love pasta, there is now fiber pasta. Whole grain pasta is very good.

You may need to adapt to its taste, but as you know, taste is acquired. You can teach him new things. You will find that after you start eating whole grains when you taste other products that are not made from whole grains, you will find that they taste flat. The same is true for brown rice.

You must get used to it. And once you get used to it you will find it much tastier than white rice. This is what we mean by whole grains. So is the fruit. Quite simply, whole fruits and whole vegetables.

Now some people may say,  I can’t eat potatoes because they add weight. If you took all the fiber out of it, that might be true. And if you add all that butter and sour cream to it. This is how you will gain weight. But this does not apply to potatoes alone, of which one head gives you about eighty calories.

And what we add to it of butter and sour cream raises its calories. Calorie to four hundred calories from fat only. Now remember, as we have already said, that cultivated foods contain fiber, so these foods must be increased in our diet we also need water.

When we increase the fiber, we must not forget to increase the water as well. most people need two liters of water a day. And if you do not drink this amount, gradually reach it until you are sure that you are both eligible water a lot.

When you drink water, it mixes with the fiber and allows it to move easily through your intestines. If you suffer from dehydration, increasing fiber may become a problem. But the other advantage of cultured foods is that fruits and vegetables usually come with their liquids this is also excellent.

So not only do you get fiber, but also fluids that your body can use it does not steal water from other cells. in order to be able to process it.

Now you can add the juice to the water. If you don’t like its taste but it is not the best option because it does not contain fiber. So they diluted the juice and replaced it with water. Until you get used to the taste of water. Add a little acid you may need a filter.

If there is chlorine in the water, you will need a filter to filter it. You can boil the water and let it rest for the night so that the chlorine evaporates and the water tastes better. So again what do we eat? Lots of fruits Lots of vegetables especially green leafy vegetables. Most of us neglect these vegetables and I don’t know why?

Maybe because when cooked they wilt a little sometimes. But if you eat vegetables in a salad, for example. You will find it refreshing and healthy and you will notice that your skin has become more beautiful and the digestion process is better. It is a very useful thing to add to the diet. Again wholegrain wheat barley oats and rice legumes in French mean vegetables. But this term in English means a kind of vegetable. Like beans and lentils and peas.

This type of cultivated food contains large amounts of proteins. It is very beneficial for your health. And it gives you a lot of fiber. And after a while I will tell you where to find the fiber and of course the fruit. Here I stress when you eat nuts and seeds. Let the quantity be the size of a handful, many studies have been done on nuts. And its health benefits appear to be good for the heart.

We often think that fat is not good for the heart. But it’s the saturated fats that come from animal sources that are problematic for the heart. The fats in nuts contain nutrients such as omega-3 and omega six and omega nine and a little saturated fat too. But it contains protein and fiber. This combination is very healthy for the heart.

People who participated in studies on nuts had lower levels of cholesterol. So nuts are very healthy and nuts and seeds should be included in our daily diet. But remember that a handful of them is enough to provide us with all the benefits we need.

One type of seed I would like to mention is flaxseed. It is very important because it contains a large amount of omega-3. But the shell of the seed is very hard and must be ground. But then it becomes easy to eat and can be added to breakfast cereals, salads, or whatever you like and they are very useful.

You can start with a teaspoon and then move up to a tablespoon. This is how you provide a great benefit to your skin, your brain, and the inside of your arteries. Right benefits.

Of the three omegas from flaxseed. Also, keep it in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. Because it oxidizes quickly. So please keep it in the fridge after grinding it, so you should eat food as close as possible to its natural form.

If you do this, you will get a lot of vitamins, minerals and proteins and useful fats, fiber, and even salt and sugar that our health needs. But when the food is refined, it changes and is no longer nutritious, so eat from the kingdom of cultivated foods. If you look at the colors of red, blue, green and dark brown.

They are all colors that will protect you these colors protected the plants. It is growing now and can protect you. It is rich in antioxidants. Phytochemicals and flavonoids that fight cancer and protect us from many diseases eat from the four new food groups. What are these groups? It’s whole grains fruits, vegetables and legumes. This includes nuts and seeds, If you eat this way, you choose good health.

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